Friday, September 16, 2005

Lazy or just tired?

I opt for the second reason. I've been tired lately. Kids been sick and waking up early (6 AM). So I've been going to sleep at 9 - 10 PM.

I found that I need a neck warmer (strokkur). I walk around with Ása Sóley in a Maya Wrap. It means that my neck is bare since I can't zip up my jacket. I went to a knitting store close to my house (Storkurinn) and asked for something super soft. That's exactly what I got. Alpaca Silk. It's the softest yarn I've ever touched. Ok, ok, so I'm used to the all-so-scratchy Icelandic Lopi but this yarn is very very soft. It is made out of baby alpaca wool and silk (hence the name). I can't wait to get it around my neck. I didn't get needles because I thought I had some. I did, just in the wrong length. I need to get shorter needles for knitting in the round. My Weekend Knitting book has a pattern of a neck warmer so I can get the dimensions from that, and I already swatched (prjónaði prufu) since there was nothing else I could do at this point. And as always I was right on the target! The color is a beautiful navy blue (shade nr. 3) and I plan to knit stockinette stitch in the round (slétt prjón).

P.s. Linda had a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations again (and again) and I hope you can enjoy your babymoon :)


Litla Skvís said...

Takk Sonja.... Við erum alveg í skýjunum og litla stelpan er svo góð og stóra systir líka. Mamman og pabbinn snerta varla jörðina þessa dagana :o)

Anonymous said...

Hæ Sonja.

Þú ættir að prófa að snerta finnska ull. Ég varð ekkert smávegis hissa þegar ég "kynntist" henni fyrst því hún er alveg dúnmjúk. Mér finnst það reyndar hálf pervertískt, en það er voða þægilegt að prjóna úr henni. Ég hef samt kenningu um að hún endist ekki eins vel, finnst hún svolítið losaraleg.

Sonja said...

Spennandi með finnsku ullina. Eina sem ég hef séð af finnskri ull er þæfð mynd! Það er kannski ekki alveg að marka það en þetta er geggjuð mynd sem frænka mín keypti í Helsinki í listahúsinu sem er á móti dómkirkjunni (er stóra hvíta kirkjan á hæðinni ekki annars dómkirkja?).