I blocked the doily (dúlla) I made way back:
and gave it to my grandmother, who turned 88 years old yesterday. She is in a hospital and it looks nice in her room with decorations sitting on top. It gives the room a little more personal touch (don't get me wrong, she has a nice private room to begin with).
I enjoyed making this doily. Every row was different, so a lot of variation which I enjoy. Then after the blocking the piece transformes itself into a very beautiful (IMHO) doily. It's been a while since I finished it, maybe 3-4 months but I didn't want to block because I didn't know how to store it. It wouldn't be safe from the hands of the 2 year old if it was out and how do you store a thing like that in closets or boxes?
I also finished a hat:
Funny how I look like an old women on the photo. This is my comment on it on the pbase site:
"This is a lopi hat I knitted once with leftover yarn for my uncle (I had made him a sweater). I never got around to giving it to him. Well, yes once but then he was off to a warmer climate so the hat remained with me. As it was too large for me I ended up washing it and it felted. If it sortof in a charleston fasion as it curls up on the ends. I sewed in these little flowers to give it a little more fancy look and I really like the way it turnes out. I, however don't particulary like the way I look like I was 100 years old on the picture nor that the hat stings somewhat, unless it is really cold."
My craft time has somewhat been cut back as little miss Ása Sóley has decided to be a party queen and stay up late. Gone are the tranquil evenings starting at 8 PM. She is actually very quite and plays and has fun so I get some time for knitting and stitching, I'm thankful for that. I'm hoping that this is just a phase!
Æðislegur dúkur :-)Ég vildi að ég kynni að blokka svona stykki, hvað notarðu til að stífa þá?
Svo finnast mér blómin á húfunni svaka sæt :-) Fínasta húfa bara.
Húfan er æði með svona blómum á. Ertu þreytt Sonja mín? Virkar svolítið þreytuleg á myndinni.
En dúllan er æðisleg!
Linda: Clint tók aðra mynd sem var eiginlega betri en blómin sáust ekki eins vel þannig að ég ákvað að pósta þessari bara.
Rósa: Ég spreyjaði hana bara með vatni! Mig grunar að það sé eitthvað stífelsi-efni í þræðinum.
dúkurinn er æði amma þín hlýtur að hafa verið alsæl. Húfan er sæt og þú pínu þreytuleg en sennilega vegna þess að Ása Sóley er farin að vaka meira á kvöldin eins og þú segir.
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