Sunday, November 12, 2006

Odessa in pictures

Isn't she georgeous?

And my Log Cabin blanket. It's growing, slowly but getting there. Just started round 7.

I couldn't help but put one of Ása in an alert state. She's wearing the Magknits sweater I made for her and what's more - she loves it! It's so great when your kids want to wear what you make them.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty Odessa! And Asa looks so cute in her sweater!

Sonja said...


Ása Sóley is eating an orange in the picture. That explains the expression. ;)

Hafrún Ásta said...

Æðisleg húfa er þetta flókið ég skil ekki alveg uppskriftir á ensku en þarf að skoða það langar svo í svona húfu. Flott tepppið líka. og stelpur ...