Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Peysa for me!

Peysa is Icelandic for a sweater/cardigan and I finished one even before I finished the big green thing. The pattern is the ever so popular Var from Lopi 29. I was inspired by my Stepmother to make a sweater out of Einband. Einband is a laceweight Icelandic wool and Var is normally knit out of léttlopi (worsted weight Icelandic wool). My stepmother makes very beautiful and stylish designs of sweaters/cardigans out of Einband. She sells them, but now they are handknit in China! My sweater (or a hoodie) came out very nicely. I've been using it a lot.
It is lightweight but warm at the same time. I washed it with conditioner to make it softer and I can wear it against my skin (i.e., wear a t-shirt underneath).
This picture above is taken at the Athens (OH) library with my friend Stephanie. She made a Freyja out of plötulopi (unspun Icleandic wool) I brought from Iceland for her. I actually started Var two years ago, March 1, 2010 according to Ravelry. I attempted makeing both the sleeves at the same time using 'magic loop'. I found out I didn't like making two things at the same time with the magic loop. Magic loop can be a very useful technique, but I think I'll stick to making one thing at a time using it from now one. I remember watching Lost at the same time as I was knitting the sweater, and it seems to have distracted me according to this blog post from June 2010. I made a mistake and had to restart the body, but it never materialized. I did the cast-on, and then the project languished until September last year (2011)! I finally finished the sweater at the end of January 2012.

1 comment:

Fríða said...

rosa fín peysan þín, til hamingju með hana. og gaman að því að þessi ameríska skuli nenna að prjóna úr plötulopanum.