Sunday, November 01, 2009

How to get started knitting again.

I didn't really stop knitting. I was just working so much I didn't have energy to knit when I came home and/or I came home from work so late that I went straight to bed.

Twice a year, our sponsor come and see what we have been doing, and it is always very busy right before. But now this is over for the time being.

During this busy time, I'd come across a pattern on Ravelry for slippers that I was dying to make for the girls. The pattern is called Peter Pan Slipper and was really just a diagram of a granny square that turns into these cool slippers.

I had no idea about the gauge or the weight of yarn/size of hook, but I ended up using worsted weight yarn and 5 mm hook. That fit perfectly for both the girls.

Kamilla got red ones but when I was going to make orange ones for Ása Sóley, she revolted. She wanted the slippers but not in orange (I was trying to use yarn I had). We ended up going to the LYS (prjónabúð) and Ása Sóley picked out pink yarn, that was more to her liking. With a little help from her mom she even picked out a yarn that was on a $2 discount.

We came home and I started the pair immediately after the girls went to bed and, voila, I had them ready before I went to bed, or about 3 hours later. These are so fast and easy. The girls love them. We call them their 'Elf slippers' and that's my name for them on Ravelry - Álfaskór (Ravelry link).

Ok, so the title of the post was 'How to get started knitting again' but here I am going on and on about a crochet project. Well, after finishing this quick and easy crochet pattern I was ready to start tackling my more demanding knitting projects again. I have a stranded colorwork mittens on the needles, that are destined for a Christmas packet and I better crank them out soon. The fact that I have to make the third mitten doesn't help. The first mitten was too small. I knit the second one with same size needles, but took care not to have the fabric pucker up too much and it came out much better. So now I have started on the third mitten.

I have other projects calling out for me. But I want to focus on Christmas knitting for now.


Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

Krúttlegir skór!
Jólaprjónið já. Þú segir nokkuð. Ég ætla að prjóna alveg slatta af jólagjöfum, en ég er nú ekki byrjuð ennþá. En það er nógur tími eftir, er það ekki?

Sonja said...


Ja, þegar ég hef í mesta lagi 15 tíma á viku í prjónaskapinn og vil koma hlutunum í póst til Íslands tímalega þá er eins gott að drífa það bara af sem fyrst.

Andi Stern said...

those are absolutely adorable! hope to see you Wednesday. :)

Sigurlaug said...

Flottir, ég var einmitt búin að merkja við þessa á Ravelry. Og ekki síður flottir fyrir það hvað þeir eru fjótlegir!!! Sakar aldrei:-)