Saturday, May 28, 2005

Blogging at the library

I'm at the city library, using my wireless for the first time. It's exciting. There are several hot spots in the down-town area were I can go on-line - I can just picture myself taking the little baby for a walk and browse the internet at a cafe while it sleeps (see it really is a romantic gift, lol).

I put my pictures online. Here is one of the baby's overalls:

I used pins to hold it in shape, an idea I 'stole' from Cassie. This is since May 23rd, now almost a week later I am practially finish knitting the back piece and 'only' the finishing left (knitting around the edges). Finishing is not really my thing. I hope I'll be motivated enough to work on it, the trick is not to start anything new!

I have also been working on my MillHill kit.

This is how the border looks without beads:

and with the beads:

and just for fun, a close-up on one of the stars:

I just love my camera :) I couldn't take this picture yesterday night because I had to use flash and the lens got in the way so the flash couldn't shine on the beads. It focuses for distances as small as 1 cm - how cool is that!


Anonymous said...

Engillinn verður geggjaður í pappa! Hárrétt ákvörðun hjá þér að skipta yfir finnst mér.

ps. hvenær koma bumbumyndirnar af okkur! Mig langar svo að fá eintak *blikk*

Sonja said...

Takk takk. Þetta er spennandi, ég ætla að geyma engilinn sjálfan þartil síðast :o

Ég var búin að steingleyma bumbumyndunum - þær koma næst! Og líka í klúbbinn.